by Sarah Stein | Oct 28, 2022 | Responsible Decision-Making, Social Emotional Learning
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by Sarah Stein | Oct 20, 2022 | Self-Management, Teaching Practices
Teaching kids to calm their minds and bodies is a simple, yet powerful tool to help foster self-management skills. Coping techniques like a deep breathing exercise is a healthy way for kids to manage their emotions when they are faced with frustration, anxiety, or...
by Sarah Stein | Oct 20, 2022 | Relationship Skills, Teaching Practices
Teaching students how to compromise during a disagreement can be challenging. Finding resolutions to conflicts require relationship skills to help students remain calm and practice being kind, caring, and empathetic to another person’s point of view. One tip we...
by Sarah Stein | Oct 13, 2022 | Social Emotional Learning
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by Sarah Stein | Oct 12, 2022 | Common Language, Getting Started
You understand the value of SEL. You know that for it to be successful in your class or program, your kids and staff need a common language as a foundation upon which to build deeper SEL lessons. You’ve read Words to Live By and see how this approach can help you form...