Students race one another to come up with a list of ways to relax.
- Paper with the alphabet written on it
- Pencils
How to Play
- Talk to the group about how, throughout our lives, there are surprises. Sometimes these surprises are challenging and frustrating. It is very important to be able to control yourself when this happens. Provide an example: when I am feeling frustrated and overwhelmed I like to listen to calming music, which helps me relax.
- Divide the group into smaller groups of 3-5 students.
- Have each group sit in a circle and give them a sheet of paper with the alphabet on it.
- Tell the students on ‘Go’ each group tries to come up with a way to relax for each of the letters in the alphabet (this can be one word or a phrase).
- At the end of the time, groups share what ideas they had for how to relax.
- The group with the most letters filled out is the winning group.
Activity Prompts for Reflection
- Did anyone hear some things that they already do to relax?
- Are there any ways you relax that were not said today that you can share with the group?
- What are some ways you can relax at school? at home?
- Is there anyone who helps you relax?
Other Ways to Play
- Instead of using the alphabet, just have the group brainstorm a list in a given time frame.
- If they are having a hard time writing their ideas out, you can assign each student a letter. They must come up with a way to relax starting with that letter and draw a picture of it. At the end, you can have them share their drawings with the group.
- Challenge students by having them switch who is writing for each different letter.
- Instead of using the alphabet have groups come up with a unique list and then compare the list with other groups. If two groups have the same idea shared they cross it off. The team with the most unique ideas listed wins.
Additional Notes
- Use the SEL Activity Prompts to tie other SEL competencies to this activity.
- When explaining ways to relax to your group, try to use examples of ways that you have already seen them practice this or you use together. This will make it easier for them to understand because it is more relatable.