Students practice their emotional vocabulary and their acting skills.
- Alphabet letters written on individual slips of paper
- Bowl or paper bag
How to Play
- Prep work: Write or print out the alphabet (leaving out K, X, and Q), cut the letters out individually, and put them in a bowl or brown paper bag.
- Explain that they are going to be acting out different emotions and that letters from the alphabet are inside the bag/bowl.
- Call students one at a time to reach in and pull out a letter. Once they pull out a letter they must think of an emotion that starts with that letter. They whisper it into the leader’s ear and then begin acting out that emotion.
- After 10-30 seconds of acting, any student in the group who thinks they know the emotion word can raise their hand, wait to be called on, and then share their guess.
- Explain that whichever student guesses what emotion was being acted out will be the next actor/actress.
- Remind the students when acting they can not say the emotion word they are acting, but instead should think of a situation where they might experience that emotion and act it out or describe what might happen to their body when they experience that emotion.
- This continues until all students have gone or time is up.
Activity Prompts for Reflection
- What letters were the hardest to find emotion words for?
- Who can name a unique emotion they felt during this activity and describe what it felt like?
- Raise your hand, if you felt victorious or proud at any point during this activity. What do you typically do when you feel this way?
Other Ways to Play
- Instead of having the alphabet cut out, have emotion words they can act out. The WINGS Emotional Alphabet can help you brainstorm emotion words to write down on slips.
- Challenge students by partnering them and having them act out a scene together that portrays the emotion word they are acting out.
- If students are having a hard time guessing, you can offer them multiple-choice options to pick from as their guess.
Additional Notes
- Use the SEL Activity Prompts to tie other SEL competencies to this activity.
- Model how to act it out in the first round to help students better understand what you expect of them during the game.