Activities & Games

Go For Ten
Kindergarten-5th Grade

Allotted Time

10-20 minutes

Target Behavior

Think before they act

Words to Live By

Life's full of surprises that make me feel different ways. If I can control myself, I'll have much better days.
Understand that life is full of surprises and different feelings

Children who control themselves can:

DEMONSTRATE patience in a variety of situations

IDENTIFY ways to calm themselves

PRACTICE self-talk as a way to calm themselves

DESCRIBE strategies for dealing with upsetting feelings


Students practice controlling themselves while working together as a group.


  • No supplies needed

How to Play

  1. Have students sit in a circle.
  2. Explain they are trying to count to 10 as a group.
  3. Tell the group that this will be trickier than it sounds because there are several rules:
  • No one can talk unless they’re saying a number out loud
  • Students cannot tell each other what number to call out
  • Students cannot point to each other or signal to let others others know when to go
  • Students sitting next to each other cannot say consecutive numbers
  • Two people cannot say a number at the same time

4. If any rules are broken, the group must start over with the number one.
5. Continue playing a few rounds having a new person start with number one and/or changing up the counting rules. See Other Ways to Play.

Activity Prompts for Reflection

  • When was it difficult for you to control yourself during this activity?
  • What emotion did you feel when you messed up?
  • What was difficult to control while playing the game?

Other Ways to Play

  • After each round have them brainstorm ways that they can improve on the next round.
  • Have students practice spelling by spelling out a word for the round instead of saying numbers.
  • Have students practice skip counting and set the end goal number based on how many students are in the group and what numbers they are skip counting by.

Additional Notes

  • Use the SEL Activity Prompts to tie other SEL competencies to this activity.
  • If you have a large group, you can split them into smaller groups.


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