Students will understand that there is a wide range of emotions within the human experience. They will develop a vocabulary that demonstrates their understanding of this range.
Target Behavior
Describing how they are feeling
Skill Builder
Emotional Alphabet
Words to Live By
I love and accept who I am on the inside and know my emotions are nothing to hide
Share your emotions
Children who share their emotions can:
IDENTIFY a range of emotions
DESCRIBE emotions associated with personal experiences
SHARE feelings in a range of contexts (speaking, writing, drawing)
USE “I-statements” to express various emotions
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Work Together by Being Kind, Caring, And Listening
Students will work in teams to recognize the value of each individual’s contribution as well as the benefits of teamwork.
Be a Friend who Supports and Trusts Others
Students will understand the importance of positive feedback.
Be a Friend who Supports and Trusts Others
Students will understand the importance of positive feedback.
Step Into the Shoes of Others to See How They Feel
Students will learn skills to understand the emotional state of others.
Others are Unique and it’s Important to Learn More About Them
Students will learn the many ways in which people can differ and how spending time with different people can have a positive effect.
What Happens as a Result of Your Choices is on You
Students will understand their responsibility for positive and negative outcomes.
What Happens as a Result of Your Choices is on You
Students will understand their responsibility for positive and negative outcomes.
Make Choices That Are Best For You
Students will learn how to brainstorm alternative actions and predict consequences before choosing the action they will take. Students will practice evaluating the level of success in the action taken.
Learn to Control Yourself
Students will understand the dynamic between thoughts, feelings, and actions and that this understanding assists in managing impulses.
Understand That Life is Full of Surprises and Different Feelings
Students will understand the factors that can cause an emotional hijacking.
Love and Accept Who You Are
Students will claim and value personal strengths, weaknesses, and individuality.