5 Keys To Effective Consequences

5 Keys To Effective Consequences

Positive discipline helps kids learn from mistakes and change future behavior. Effective consequences set both you and your students up for success and positive outcomes.
7 Methods For Managing Behavior

7 Methods For Managing Behavior

Behavior can present one of the biggest challenges in any classroom or program. Using proactive and corrective behavior management techniques, adults can help kids avoid problematic behaviors and feel supported in their decision-making skills.
Giving Feedback: Positive or Corrective

Giving Feedback: Positive or Corrective

Discover how both positive and corrective feedback can effectively shape a child's behavior by reinforcing good actions and guiding them toward better choices.
How To Make Amends Using SORRY

How To Make Amends Using SORRY

Our words and actions—whether positive or negative—have a profound impact on others. When we do something that negatively affects others, taking an empathetic approach to making amends can make apologies more meaningful.
Problem Behavior? GET PAST it.

Problem Behavior? GET PAST it.

Some kids take longer to develop self-control. Try this behavior management technique we use to move past problem behaviors in the meantime.
Solve Conflicts Using PEACE

Solve Conflicts Using PEACE

Conflict is part of life, so kids need to learn peaceful resolution. Guide them through these steps to help them practice handling conflicts on their own.