Students practice managing their impulses during a fun card game.
- Deck of cards
How to Play
- Have the group sit in a tight circle.
- Place cards down one at a time face up in the middle of the circle.
- Students must pay close attention because if a jack, an ace, or cards of the same number (consecutively) are placed in the middle they must try to be the first one to reach out and touch the pile.
- The student whose hand is first to the jack, ace, or double pair of cards wins the round and must state something that causes them to lose control. The student then earns a letter of J-A-C-K.
- Continue to place cards face up on the pile until another jack, ace, or set of doubles is placed and a student is able to get their hand on it first, state something that causes them to lose it, and earn a letter of J-A-C-K.
- The first student in the group to spell out JACK wins!
- If you go through the entire deck and time remains, shuffle the pile and use it to continue the game.
Activity Prompts for Reflection
- How difficult was it for you to stay focused on the deck of cards?
- What was something you heard someone say that also makes you lose control of your emotions?
- Is there anyone or anything that can help you to make sure you don’t lose control the next time you are in the same situation as the example you gave?
- What is something that might happen if you lose control at school? At home? With your friends?
Other Ways to Play
- Instead of having students work to spell out JACK, give each student a sticker for each time they are first and are able to tell you something that makes them lose control.
- If students are having a difficult time keeping their hands at a distance from the deck, you can have them keep their hands behind their backs before they reach out.
Additional Notes
- Use the SEL Activity Prompts to tie other SEL competencies to this activity.