- Candy hearts
- Dice
- Print out of “Gimme Your Hearts” game sheet
Students practice controlling themselves during this dice game of chance.
How to Play
- Students sit in a circle of 8-12 students.
- Each group has one die and a game sheet.
- Give each student 4 candy hearts and put the remaining candy hearts in the center of each circle.
- One at a time, students roll the die and do the action that corresponds with the number they rolled.
- Remind students that life is full of surprises, but to remain in control when surprises occur.
- This continues until time is up. Students who remain in control can eat their candy hearts during the reflection questions.
Activity Prompts for Reflection
- Did anyone feel stressed during this game? How did you respond?
- What emotions did you feel during this game?
- What happens to your body when something doesn’t go your way?
- What helped you remain calm during this activity?
Other Ways to Play
- Give groups 2 dice and double the numbers on the sheet.
- Instead of candy hearts, use any other treat you might have that students like.
Additional Notes
- Use the SEL Activity Prompts to tie other SEL competencies to this activity.