by Sarah Stein | Dec 9, 2022 | Activities, Relationship Skills
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by Sarah Stein | Dec 6, 2022 | Activities, Social Awareness
Description Students make a unique snowflake and then compete in a balancing race. Supplies White paper Scissors Cones How to Play Pass out paper and scissors to each student. Show students how to make a unique snowflake by folding their paper in half several times...
by Sarah Stein | Dec 6, 2022 | Activities, Social Awareness
Description Students work together on teams in this winter-themed pictionary activity. Supplies Blackboard and chalk or whiteboard and dry erase markers Slips of paper with a different winter items/objects on each one (example list found on last page) Timer How to...
by coreyidev | Jul 5, 2022 | Activities, Responsible Decision-Making
Description Students will work through this challenging activity of building marshmallow snowmen. Supplies Two bags of marshmallows 2 pairs of chopsticks How to Play Divide your group into two teams. Give each team a pair of chopsticks and a bag of marshmallows and...