The group works together and learns to trust, listen, and support each other.
- One hula hoop
How to Play
- The goal of today’s activity is to work together to get a hula hoop from up in the air to the ground.
- The trick is that every student must keep one finger on the hula hoop at all times.
- If a student’s finger is not on the hula hoop, they must start over—back at the top.
- Students stand in a tight circle. They should stand with one arm out, palm facing the ground with one finger extended.
- Put the hula hoop in the middle so that it is resting on each student’s finger.
- Announce that they can start, being sure that one finger remains on the hoop at all times.
- This will take several times for students to be able to get it to the ground, so allow them to practice until the time is up.
Activity Prompts for Reflection
- How did our group listen to each other and make sure everyone was heard?
- How did we use everyone’s strengths during the activity to be successful?
- What could we have done to work together better?
- Was there something that our group disagreed about during the activity? How did we work through it?
Other Ways to Play
- Allow students to place the hula hoop in the palm of their hands without wrapping their thumb.
- Challenge students to tell the truth when their finger is off of the hula hoop. This will help teach them to be accountable and avoid you having to constantly point this out to them.
- After each attempt, have the group brainstorm alternative ways to get the hula hoop to the ground.
- Attempt balancing the hula hoop on different body parts. Try balancing on just the wrist, middle or lower part of arm, or knee.
- Attempt balancing the hoop while standing on one foot or with one hand on your head.
Additional Notes
- Use the SEL Activity Prompts to tie other SEL competencies to this activity.
- If it is a larger group, split into smaller groups so that everyone is able to have a hand on the hula hoop.