- Hula hoops
Students work in pairs to brainstorm ways to reset and relax while having fun.
How to Play
- Pair students together and have pairs stand inside a hula hoop and hold it at their sides on one end of the room.
- Read aloud a change that might happen to students and a movement, some examples provided on the next page.
- Pairs decide if they would have a hard time controlling themselves if that situation occurred.
- If pairs decide they would have a hard time controlling themselves they must do the movement that was assigned that situation backwards. And if the pair believes they could stay in control, then do the movement forward. Pairs must decide together whether they can control or not.
- Remind students that it is very important to be honest during this activity.
- Pairs that move backward have the chance to move forward if they can tell one way they could R&R during that situation. If they correctly identify a way they would calm down then they get to move back to where they started at the beginning of that round.
- Randomly call on pairs that move forward to share.
- Pairs who move forward the farthest win and are best able to identify ways to control themselves during difficult situations.
- Example situations and movements:
- You come in last place in a competition – two steps forward/ backward
- Someone tattled on you to your teacher – three skips forward/ backward
- Your sibling broke your favorite toy – two hops forward/ backward
- Someone cheated during a game and isn’t being honest – one legged hop forward/ backward one time
- You aren’t allowed to go play outside with your friend – one hula hoop twirl forward/ backward
- You get a bad grade on a quiz at school – three steps forward/ backward
- Your best friend broke a promise that they made you – one hop up/back
- Another student in your class keeps teasing you – jump forward/ backward once
- Another student refuses to share the gym equipment with you – two lunges forward/ backward
- You don’t get to watch T.V. or play your game when you get home from school – one hula hoop twist forward/ backward
Activity Prompts for Reflection
- What was a surprise that happened during this activity? How did you react?
- Which of those situations would be most difficult for you to control yourself?
- Did you hear any ways to R&R that you plan to use?
- Does anyone have a situation that they need help coming up with a way to stay in control?
Other Ways to Play
- Instead of using hula hoops have students link arms with their partner.
- Once pairs reach the other side of the room, have them help come up with situations and/or movements for the remaining pairs to consider.
- Instead of reading aloud the example scenarios and movements, choose a pair for each round to say a situation that they’ve experienced recently along with a movement of their choice.
Additional Notes
- Use the SEL Activity Prompts to tie other SEL competencies to this activity.