Students work together to create a drawing based on what they roll on a die.
- 1 Die per group
- Printed drawing sheet for each group (See Additional Notes below)
- Writing utensils (crayon, marker, pencil, etc.)
How to Play
- Prep work: Print off enough drawing sheets for each team, or display it on smartboard where all groups can see.
- Put students into small groups and give each group one drawing sheet, a writing utensil and a die.
- One at a time, students roll die and, based on the number they roll, they draw the corresponding doodle.
- The next student rolls, and draws the corresponding doodle while making sure it connects to another part of the doodle drawing.
- This continues until all students have a chance to roll and doodle or time runs out.
- At the end, have each group title their completed doodle and come to the front to share what their group drew.
Activity Prompts for Reflection
- What emotions did you feel during this activity?
- What was a surprise that happened during this activity?
- How were you expecting the doodle to turn out? Were you right?
- What’s a surprise that happened to you this week?
Other Ways to Play
- Provide students with a variety of colors of writing utensils.
- Provide each group a pair of dice and have them add two doodles each turn.
- Have each student work independently by giving each student their own drawing sheet, die, and writing utensil.
Additional Notes
- Download and print the Roll and Doodle Drawing Sheet.
- Use the SEL Activity Prompts to tie other SEL competencies to this activity.